A Day To Unite

charity shop tips

Oh the things you’ll find in a Charity Shop…

The vast majority of items in my wardrobe are either vintage, or from a charity shop of some sort. I prefer to shop this way because it’s kinder on my wallet and it generally means I can find pretty unique items that are different to the items lining the high street. So what better way to celebrate my love of charity shop clothing, and talk about World Cancer Day, than by wearing an entire outfit bought from Cancer Research in Kensington. 

Cancer comes quietly in the night, it slips in the cracks and moves stealthily and swiftly, enveloping and swallowing whole in it’s darkness, and i still have vivid memories of the death of my Aunt Shelly, a beautiful vibrant, kind woman who always had a smile dancing on her lips, arms open wide for Auntie-Hugs with the scent of floral perfumes clinging to her. Whenever we visited New York, Aunt Shelly and her sister, my Aunty Rally would open up their homes, hearts and lives to my family and I, and although she battled steadily and bravely against the tumour on her brain, Cancer cut her life short, leaving us all confused and struggling with what could only be described as having your heart yanked from your chest. My mother, a woman as strong as steel sobbed in a way that still haunts me years later. 

world cancer day 2016

Cancer is something that has affected us all in one way or another unfortunately, from family members, to loved ones, to even one another, and today it is said that one in two people born after 1960 will be diagnosed with Cancer. So support your local Charity Shops, they are doing wonderful work in raising awareness for illnesses’ and research. If you can’t volunteer, which I highly recommend (I worked for Mind, the mental health charity for a year during my undergrad), then check out your local Charity Shop for hidden gems, for example the jumper i’m wearing is from Topshop, the trousers Massimo Dutti, and the shoes ZARA, not bad eh! Plus you won’t feel guilty as the money goes to a good cause 😉 And if you don’t fancy that, you can always do it the old fashion way and donate.

I can only hope and pray that one day we’ll find some sort of cure for such a heartbreaking disease. Also, please have a read of Sara’s blog on her having breast cancer and show her some love.




  1. Bianca Malata
    February 4, 2016 / 10:27 am

    Cute look. I love the hair and those glasses too. Ok so maybe the whole look!www.itsallbee.com

  2. Rebecca
    February 4, 2016 / 5:10 pm

    Cancer needs a good kick up the arse. It's such a weird one, I haven't had any immediate family or good friends affected, and that worries me so much as that's completely against the odds. One of my close friends from uni's dad passed away when she was a teenager because of it, and I can't comprehend that loss so young. Slowly but surely we'll get there. x Rebecca – itscohen.co.uk

  3. Farrah
    February 4, 2016 / 5:15 pm

    Great look! And yes it is such a terrible disease. It's one of my biggest fears so I can't even talk about it without getting extremely anxious, but I hope that they find a cure for it soon. It's killing too many people.

  4. Berry Dakara
    February 4, 2016 / 10:20 pm

    Thank you Sade for sharing this post. May your aunt continue resting in peace. And I pray a cure for cancer comes soon!Berry Dakara Blog

  5. Grace Alex
    February 5, 2016 / 1:17 am

    sorry for your loss and its scary to think 1 out of two people are at the risk of the disease, hoping a cure is found soon ..and your outfit is lovely My Style Diary

  6. Demilade Aina
    February 6, 2016 / 12:28 pm

    Cancer is such a scary thing. My friend's mum died of cancer about 4 years ago and it came as such a shock. I cried so much that day cos she was the best, the sweetest person ever. Sorry about your aunty Sade. I'll definitely donate whenever I can. Great post btw, love your pants.xxcocobellablog.com

  7. Neema
    February 6, 2016 / 11:08 pm

    I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. In other news, your outfit is very Audrey Hepburn 🙂

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