Blog Love #3

Men’s Fashion, Illustration and A Whole Lotta Pink…

I have a huge list of old reads and new finds in the blogging community, and i’m keeping my promise to share them with you on at least a monthly basis. So here is my monthly #bloglove for Novemver (make sure to share your favourite blogs with others using the hashtag #bloglove on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, sharing is definitely caring. I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately but have struggled to find the time to comment as much as i usually do (Boo Architecture!) but now that my Urban Design submission is out of the way, i have more time to blog, and read blogs hooray! So as always let me know your new blog finds, and leave your links for me to have a gander!

jordan bunker

Jordan’s blog is a beautifully curated visual delight, filled with elegantly shot imagery and concise, clear thoughts. If i’m feeling low on photography inspiration, Jordan’s blog is one i visit and re-pin a lot for inspiration. Everything is just so professionally done, from his style, to the layout of his blog. Everything is crisp, clear and super cool, and for those of you folk who aren’t menswear enthusiast’s like myself, it’s still a brilliant read, and it’s really changed the way i look at menswear blogs (we need more of you!)I now have a newfound respect for how men put together their outfits, and how their looks can inspire my own fairly femme style.

amalia andrade

Where does one begin with Amalia’s work? A lot of the time it feels like she’s managed to pry inside my brain and spill out it’s contents on paper. Her work is beautifully honest and there is a rawness and relatability to it that i simply love. I actually first came across her illustrations and graphics from Celia who runs a pretty snazzy blog herself, but more on that in another Blog Love post. There is just this boldness about her work that really resonates with me and I even have one of her quotes saved as the background on my phone. I find her Instagram particularly awesome, so go check her out!

Mermaidens blog

Mermaidens summed up is an explosion of pretty pink pastels, glitter, mermaids and beautifully curated photo’s. Kailey is just a sweetheart, and despite her blog’s huge success, she’s remained such a down to earth girl! She’s such a darling and i’m so happy to call her a blog friend despite her living across the pond. Her photoshoots with Hana Haley always leave me in awe and wanting to pick up my camera, but i’ve got to say her self styled portraits have always been my favourites. She’s truly a lovely soul with such a bright and happy blog!

This rounds up my favourite three for this month, let me know if you’ve come across them before, and let me know your blog faves for this month! Let’s try and share the love a little bit more. Have a lovely week.



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