The Longest Week.

Firstly, thank you all for your kind words on my Sunday Treasures post, i’m glad i’m not the only one who sometimes feels a little bit ‘eh’ with my content, after all we’re only human aren’t we? Secondly, this has been the longest week ever. Although I always preach positivity, I sometimes find it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel in turbulent times, especially during times of grief, my eyes, for the most part have been filled with salty tears and my chest a hollow concave. Death is never easy, but I always try to see it as a celebration of someone’s life. But tomorrow is always another day and the fact that there is still breath in my lungs and a kick in my step means that I should always smile, after all I doubt my granny would have enjoyed seeing me blue for too long…

Although I haven’t had any time to sit down and properly draw or sketch (anything that isn’t architecturally related) I have been browsing my old journals just to re-ignite some lovely memories, like my time spent with the Royal Academy of Art’s Attract programme and Company Magazine’s Style Blogger Awards with Natasha from Bisous Natasha.

My flatmates and I began a “Veggie” week last Monday in a desperate bid to try and eat more ethically and so far so good, I’ve finally cracked how to make Tofu not taste like an old shoe and i’ve been experimenting with Asian cooking, like the Thai Coconut Noodle soup pictured above (let me know if you want the recipe!) I’ve also been experimenting with my hair lately, taking care of natural tresses can sometimes be a burden, and i’ve become so sick of having to braid or blow-dry my hair out in order to style it. I’ve found that Bantu knots are a huge God-send in terms of styling and getting my hair stretched quickly and almost effortlessly. I simply take down the knots in the morning, shake, and i’ve got soft beachy waves!

How can I count the ways in which I adore Daughter. Elena, Igor and Remi have a special place in my heart, so much so that I had to share their KEXP set with you all. Listen to it and tell me your heart doesn’t break a little bit with every word Elena sings.

In more ‘eh‘ news, I’m going to be honest with you guys, i’ve appreciated every comment, every word and all the support you guys have given me during my brief stint in the blogging world and i appreciate it all very much, however i’m a little worried about the content of my blog. In some ways i could argue, it’s my blog and therefore I should post what I want, which is true, but I post for myself and for you all. I’m a full time Architecture student working almost 40 hours a week plus i volunteer my hours at the University and therefore have very little time for myself, so sometimes the posts that have deadlines attached get published first, and sometimes my more personal posts get put on the back burner until I have time to edit etc, this doesn’t mean that I’m in any way abandoning my old blog style or my ‘personal’ posts, but it’s hard out here for a pimp sometimes! (i’m high fiving you if you get the reference!). I realise that i don’t have to explain myself, but I had a comment on yesterday’s post that  both saddened me and sort’ve gave me a kick up the back side, in a good way I assure you, I enjoy honest feedback, I understand that not everything can be rose tinted!  I guess this is just to say, I’ll make more of an effort to get back into regular photography posts and bring back the art aspect to my blog. I only ever began this blog as an outlet for the stress and loneliness i felt when i first started university and it has turned into so much more, and so many wonderful opportunities have come my way from it, and for that, I will forever be grateful to all of you.

As always, have a wonderful Sunday, and remember to start your Monday and a beautiful note, love and light <3

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  1. Maria Sself
    November 18, 2013 / 6:39 am

    I'm incredibly sorry for your loss, Sade… I truly admire your positive outlook – you're so inspiring and just…amazing!!♥♥♥

    • Sade | IN MY SUNDAY BEST
      November 18, 2013 / 10:49 am

      Thank you so much for your kind words Maria, I really appreciate it 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful week! <3 Sade xo

  2. imemmymah
    November 18, 2013 / 1:16 pm

    Your outlook on life is very inspirational! Reading this has brightened my Monday (I'm Ray Charles'ing the horrid British Weather)And I love your photography! Gosh golly!imemmymah | f+l

  3. That Girl; Saadiya
    November 18, 2013 / 6:28 pm

    I'm so sorry for your loss Sade!! I hope you are doing good and I trust you have a great support network around you! All the best.In terms of your blog I understand it can be hard to strike a good balance and I think having a blog myself allows me to appreciate how hard it can be and I think it's great that you are actually aware of that and want to make the conscious effort to include more personal posts and it's still great to see you getting the recognition for your blog anyway! :)Good luck with you course too! I had a friend in uni who was doing Architecture ans it seemed quite stressful!Saadiya

  4. Jodie
    November 19, 2013 / 9:44 pm

    I want the soup recipie! And how you make non-eraser style tofu 🙂

  5. M+K
    November 20, 2013 / 2:25 pm

    you're one busy girl!! we love the picks

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