Things That Make Winter Wonderful.

Chai, Colours & Candles..

January 2016, it’s a new year, a new month and a new start. The grey skies, drizzly weather and cold fingers often make me feel like crawling into a ball in my warm bed and never leaving (except for coffee, food and to put on another episode of Modern Family). Unfortunately the realities of the real world don’t allow for that, so instead i’ve found petit joys in new recipes, brighter clothing and blogging. In a poll on twitter last year, i asked what types of posts you’d like to see more of on the blog and about 30-somthing percent said more lifestyle types of posts which made me super happy because these are my favourite types of posts to put together, mostly because it allows me to simply type willy nilly and secondly because i can put together lot’s of shot’s I’ve taken over a period of time, much like this post. But i’m going off on a tangent already, here are a few things that have made the shorter and darker days a little bit brighter .


chelseacandleco review

best budget candles

1.) Chai: Dishoom do the best Chai i’ve had to date and I always make sure to get it with my meal whenever I go, but my flatmate is Pakistani and made me some of her Chai back in November and i’ve been hooked ever since. I use this recipe here and it’s perfect with the right balance of sweetness, warmth and spiciness. Give it a try, if a die hard coffee fanatic like myself loves it, i’m sure you will too.

2.) Colour: Considering it’s Winter, you’d be surprised to find that my latest clothing buys have all be bright, colourful and definitely more appropriate for Summer, but i find that when I wear brighter, colourful and patterned clothing i feel more spritely and happy. The boohoo number i’m wearing above was a steal in the sale for £4 and is now sold out (sob sob) but here’s another colourful top that’s in my saved items.

3.) Candles: A true blogging saviour. The mighty candle scents your room, and looks pretty, beauty and brains right? Chelsey, the founder of Chelsea Candle reached out to me about her candles and my goodness are they lovely! I’m normally a high end candle girl because i’ve always assumed they lasted longer and imparted a longer lasting scent but i’ve been proven wrong because Chelsey’s candles not only smell incredible, but they last long too. I’ve been burning Autumn Leaves over the past couple of weeks and i love her candles so much that i’m purchasing a few to put into a giveaway for you guys once i’ve handed my thesis in. Hooray for double celebrations. Did i mention that Chelsea Candles are only £5?! Hashtag-Whatta-Bargain.

4.) Cosy Knits: For the purposes of these blog photo’s i’m wearing jeans with my cardigan, but under normal circumstances if i’m working at my desk i’m almost always in a baggy tee, a fluffy cardigan and unshapely pyjama bottoms because comfort is (in the words of our dear DJ Khaled) a major key to success. 

5.) Blogging: Having something to do that i don’t have to do (if that makes sense) makes these cold mornings editing photos, or risking frost bitten fingers to get a snap of something feels really great.

What makes your winter wonderful?




  1. Karolina Gespucci
    January 4, 2016 / 9:01 am

    <3333 such amazing post!love it Karolina Gerspucci

  2. Trang Do
    January 4, 2016 / 9:51 am

    Love these candles!! Great post!!Xoxo,Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  3. Katie Lee
    January 4, 2016 / 12:06 pm

    Agreed! Candles and cozy knits are what winter dreams are made of!Katie |

  4. Shannon Kara
    January 4, 2016 / 1:03 pm

    Love a good old candle! Have them burning whenever I can! There is just something about a setting an atmosphere with a great smelling scent. Great blog by the way!

  5. rae lovefromberlin
    January 4, 2016 / 2:18 pm

    Love this list! I am alla bout chai and candles during winter (or any time of the year for that matter)! Really lovely photos as well!Rae | Love from Berlin

  6. Josie
    January 4, 2016 / 4:54 pm

    I loved reading this, January doesn't have to be gloomy! I love cosying up with a good book or something interesting on Netflix. Beautiful photos as always xJosie | Sick Chick Chic

  7. Michelle / Daisybutter
    January 5, 2016 / 6:11 am

    I must admit I'm forever partial to a little Chai – not least because I share its name! Heh! My friends that don't realise it's a variation of tea always marvel that I've got a drink named after me 😉 Love the look of those candles, I wonder if I can find them here, the jars are just gorgeous! x

  8. Anoushka P
    January 5, 2016 / 11:45 am

    Such a beautifully written post, you make winter sound lovely! The candles look and sound fab, and I'm totally with you on wearing colour over the colder months, so much so that I picked up a pink coat which is making winter bearable :)Anoushka Probyn – A London Fashion Blog

  9. isobel
    January 6, 2016 / 7:30 pm

    Those candles sound amazing! currently burning a tkmaxx find of a neom candle, so expensive but they don't make me sneeze like the yankee candles do! can't stand chai myself, more of a PG tips gal! thanks for commenting on my latest post lovely! xxxisobel's personal style blog

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