Twenty Five.

“I asked her what she wanna be when she twenty five – she turned and looked at me, and she said.. alive..”

I’d be flat out lying if i said that I feel a little wiser, a little smarter, or even a little older. Twenty Five feels exactly the same as eighteen did. Over the past couple of weeks, I panicked and wringed my hands at the thought of hitting twenty five and not throwing a huge party to celebrate. Don’t get me wrong, I am exceedingly happy to have made it to this age relatively unscathed, alive, and very much well. There have been times in the past when i thought everything was tumbling down around me and that was it, I wasn’t going to make it, but I did, and i’m standing tall to shout my testimony from the rooftops. I made it to twenty five, and I’ll be celebrating another twenty five years and more. The pressure surrounding birthdays is immense, especially when it’s a milestone one, so instead of subjecting myself to said pressure, I’ve simply planned a day of doing my favourite things, like eating Korean food, adding another piercing to my mounting list (YOLO *Sings grown woman by Beyonce*), and of course, sipping on a coffee in one of my favourite places.

It’s strange because I still don’t feel like a twenty five year old should, and perhaps thats a good thing. In my mind as a child I had a heavily embellished idea of what adulthood looked like, and in my head it was a perfect house with a picket fence, a husband and children by twenty five, and now that I look back at it, and realise i can barely wake myself up for work or lectures, that it’s silly to put a time frame on certain life milestones. It’s better to well, just live your best life! And with that, i’m off to have cake for breakfast at Pattern and then visit the Barbican Conservatory. Have a great week all!

What I Wore…

Dress – ASOS | Shoes – Oasis | Ring – Aliquo | Bag – Oasis | Earrings – Nylon




  1. Anonymous
    September 12, 2016 / 7:45 am

    Good.For.You! That's what I say! While a birthday party can be loads of fun, sometimes, the best birthdays are the ones where you just do what you want to do and I think your day sounds super! Happy Birthday, enjoy every second!

  2. Michelle / Daisybutter
    September 12, 2016 / 8:18 am

    Happy birthday beautiful girl! I felt exactly the same as ever when I turned 25 earlier this year. Not any older, wiser or anything monumental, just happy to be home, making myself an epic breakfast and forcing my Papa to take me out for lunch, heh. Your dress is blinkin' perfect, btw. Enjoy every moment of today – so envious of your imminent Korean food feast! x

  3. Cassie Daves
    September 12, 2016 / 10:37 am

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love this dress, your hair, your shoes, you. HAPPY BiRTHDAy once again! Cassie Daves Blog Inspiration || 4 Hacks To Instantly Look More Stylish.

  4. Charlotte Buttrick
    September 12, 2016 / 12:12 pm

    Happy birthday gorgeous. You look stunning in this dress

  5. Lix Hewett
    September 12, 2016 / 12:23 pm

    My best friend just turned 25 as well. Happy birthday, love! Also, this may be my new favorite look of yours – it's just LOVELY.

  6. Kachee Tee
    September 12, 2016 / 5:25 pm

    Happy Birthday Sade!! There's no ideal way to feel like a 25 year old. So enjoy!. Have a great year! || Follow me on Bloglovin'!5 Useful Habits to Adopt this Month (and always)

  7. Gabrielle
    September 12, 2016 / 6:32 pm

    Happy birthday! I hope your day goes swimmingly. And I love the way you've styled your hair!

  8. That Girl; Saadiya
    September 12, 2016 / 7:36 pm

    Happy Birthday Sade! I completely felt the same way when I turned 25! But to think that you've made it this far after all the times you thought you couldn't go on just makes birthday's even better :)Saadiya x

  9. Diary of a Fashion Enthusiast
    September 12, 2016 / 9:06 pm

    I always feel the same way when my birthday rolls around…like, so am I supposed to now be wiser and older, 'cause I honestly never feel like either. Glad you're spending the day doing the things that make you happy. Hope you had a good one.Happy Birthday Sade, wish you a fruitful and exciting 365 days 🙂

  10. Fresh Lengths
    September 13, 2016 / 3:34 pm

    Happy Birthday Sade! You are so stunning. Lovely shots as always! I don't think I act (or even feel) much like a 25 year old but we've definitely got more years to make those milestones x

  11. Grace Alex
    September 14, 2016 / 4:23 am

    Happy Birthday Dear, your outfit is gorg and keep being a princess at heart 25 looks great on you

  12. Lauren
    September 17, 2016 / 6:59 pm

    Hope you had a great day! I'm 27 and my brain definitely isn't…

  13. Caterina Efé
    September 18, 2016 / 9:30 am

    I hope you had a very happy birthday and I'm wishing you many more prosperous, healthy ones 💃🏾

  14. Tuke Morgan
    September 20, 2016 / 12:01 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday Sade!!!Love the tan heels and matching bag.I love how you spent your day, I think it's a Great idea to spend your birthday doing some of your favourite things.Much better than being stressed planning a party and then you're not even able to enjoy it because you're running around making sure everyone is happy, satisfied, has eaten, etcYou've just given me a Great idea in terms of how I want to spend my next Birthday which will be my 25th, Thank you!!!

    • Tuke Morgan
      September 20, 2016 / 12:02 pm

      P.S. I Love the flower clips and nail polish too, everything looks so dainty!!!

  15. Nomali
    September 27, 2016 / 12:55 pm

    Happy belated, Sade! I'm glad you are still here and that the darkness lifts. Grown woman af.Ps: the photography + outfit is amazing.<3

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